By Brian ShilhavyGlobal Research, August 20, 2021
Health Impact News 19 August 2021
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A Health Impact News reader from Brazil has alerted us to official media reports stating that during a 5-month period, over 32,000 people in Brazil have died following a COVID-19 injection.
Currently in Brazil, the following vaccines are authorized for use: AstraZeneca/Oxford, Pfizer/BioNTech, Coronavac (also called Sinovac), J&J/Janssen, and Butanvac.
The report was published on, which reportedly has about the same number of pageviews as, according to data from SimilarWeb. It is so big, that ICANN has given its own domain: .uol.
Despite these high amounts of deaths following vaccination, the report states:
“Vaccination is still the best way to control the disease.”
But even these cases of deaths following COVID-19 injections might be under-reported, as the country’s state news agency reported in July that in the small state of Distrito Federal, at least 711 died after taking the first experimental vaccine, while another 263 people died after taking two doses of the experimental vaccines. (Source.)
Brazil’s state news agency reports:
Vaccination does not prevent re-infection or the evolution to more serious conditions, including death. Therefore, the Health Secretary stressed the importance of keeping the prevention measures against the new coronavirus.
“We are always alerting people to wear masks, wash their hands, use alcohol gel, and avoid crowds. Even if we are vaccinated, we can acquire the virus and have complications”, he declared. (Source.)
Parts of this article were translated by DeepL.
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The original source of this article is Health Impact News
Copyright © Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 2021