Problem, Reaction, Solution and Social Impact Bonds

The government creates mental health issues with its lockdowns and isolation and anti-human polcies. Then, with social impact bonds, it monetizes the process of rehabilitation. Investors can profit from the created problem and its perceived resolution. — Mark Taliano

Taschi Talks Ep5 – Social Impact Bonds on Youth Mental Health. Is it ethical? (

Taschi explores the ‘shadow’ pandemic of mental health issues for the youth of Victoria.

She highlights Dan Andrews link to mental health services provider Orygen and the World Economic Forum which in May 2020 launched “A Global Framework for Youth Mental Health: Investing in Future Mental Capital for Individuals, Communities and Economies’

Why are the government public health directives in Victoria so draconian that they are pushing youth to the brink? Is it to make markets $$$ for Impact Investors via Social Impact Bonds?

This podcast questions the ethics of a business model that requires broken youth to fix.

Links for today’s podcast

Orygen Annual Report 2018-2019

Orygen Annual Report 2019-2020

Orygen WEF investment framework

ROI_FullReport_0 – this one has the building blocks of society.